Англійська граматика в таблицях
Хоч іменники і не є найскладнішою темою англійської граматики, але й тут є свої тонкощі. Іменники можуть обчислюватися або ні. Можуть мати правильну, неправильну або навіть кілька різних форм множини.В особових займенників всього 2 відмінки – називний та об’єктний. Але не обійшлося без інших цікавих аспектів, таких як незалежні (абсолютні) присвійні та зворотні займенники.
А ця таблиця допоможе запам’ятати правила використання негативних займенників «no», «none» і «neither».
І ще один важливий момент: вказівні займенники при перекладі прямої мови в непряму.ПрикметникиЗапам’ятайте правильний порядок у реченнях.
В особових займенників всього 2 відмінки – називний та об’єктний. Але не обійшлося без інших цікавих аспектів, таких як незалежні (абсолютні) присвійні та зворотні займенники.
А ця таблиця допоможе запам’ятати правила використання негативних займенників «no», «none» і «neither».
Тренувальні вправи з теми "Пряма мова"
Report the questions.
1) Jack said to me, "Why did you do that?" 2 ) Janet said, "Where are you going on Sunday, Kate?" 3) A woman said, ''How much does that magazine cost?'' 4) Tom said to his wife, ''What will you cook for supper?'' 5) Mother said to her daughter, ''What time did the film finish?'' 6) Chris said, ''How long have you been working as a manager, Henry?'' 7) The policeman said to me, ''What is your name?'' 8) The shop assistant said to the woman, ''What size do you wear?'' 9) The waiter said to us, "Have you already read the menu?'' 10) The boss said to this secretary, ''Why are you late?'' 11) The journalist said to an actor, ''How many films have you starred in?'' 12) A tourist said to the guide, ''How many countries have you visited?'' 13) A girl said to a doctor, ''Why do you like your job?'' 14) Ron said, ''How many foreign languages can you speak, Angela?''15) Janet said, ''Where will Olga wait for us, Victor?'' 16) Roy said, ''Whose umbrella did you take, Max?'' 17) Tina said to the workes, ''When will you finish decorating the living room?'' 18) A doctor said to Nick, "How did you hurt your leg?'' 19) Eddy said, ''Why are you fixing the old bike, Phil?'' 20) Ted said, "What do you want for dessert, Kate?''
Exercise 2
Report the dialogue
Презентація"Present Perfect Tense".
У презентації міститься матеріал про теперішній доконаний час. Є також цікаві завдання.
Презентація "Present Simple. Порядок слів в реченні. Вживання часу".
Презентація на тему "The Past Perfect Tense"
Матеріал допоможе вивчити правила утворення цієї граматичної структури.
2. The Englishmen's favourite drink.
3. Something that the English put into tea.
6. The political centre of London
8. The theatre where W. Shakespeare worked as an actor.
10. The nickname of London in England.
12. The colour of taxis in London.
1. The birds living in the Tower of London.
3. The most popular activity of English people.
5. The river on which London is situated.
6. The large bag of wool on which the Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords.
7. 100 pence equal one...
9. The major spectator sport in Britain.
11. The national emblem of England.
Across: 2.Tea. 4.Milk. 6. Westminster. 8. Globe. 10. Smoke. 12. Black.
Down:1. Ravens. 3.Walking. 5. Thames. 6. Woolsack. 7. Pound. 9. Football. 11. Rose.
Crossword # 2 "Nature"
Crossword # 3 "Christmas"
What do you know about the USA?
(written by G.Glushchenko)
1. What is the official name of the country?
(The United States of America)
2. How is the American flag called?
(stars and stripes)
3. What is the number of the stars on the American flag?
4. What is the capital of the USA?
(Washington D.C.)
5. What does D.C. mean in the word?
(District of Columbia)
6. How many states does the USA consist of?
(50 states and the District of Columbia)
7. Where is the seat of the Goverment of the United States?
8. What is the ocean in the west of the USA?
(The Pacific Ocean)
9. What is the ocean in the east of the USA?
(The Atlantic Ocean)
10.The island in the centre of New York is called ...
11. What people are Native Americans?
12. America is called ''melting pot'' and ...''
('' the nation of immigrants'').
13. What is the building where the President works?
( The White House)
14. The centre of movie industry is ...
15. What place does every child dream to visit in the USA?
(Disney Land)
16. New York is called ...
("the Big Apple'')
17. When is Independence Day celebrated in the USA?
(on the 4-th of July)
18. What did the first food restaurants serve?
19. Who was the first President of the USA?
(George Washington)
20. Where is Hollywood situated?
(Los Angeles)
21. Who is the President of the USA now?
(Joseph Biden)
22. When was the first McDonald's opened?
(1949, in California)
23. Where did the hanburger get its name?
(from the German town of Hamburg)
24. What communities are there for youth in the USA?
(Volunteers, Scouts)
25. What are major sports in the USA?
(Hockey, baseball, football, basketball)
26. What are the main seaports in the USA?
(New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles)
27. What industries are developed in the USA?
(chemical, clothing, textiles, machinery, mining, agriculture, fishing, foresty)
28. What natural resources is the USA rich in?
(oil, natural gas, coal, gold, aluminum, iron).
What do you know about Great Britain and London?
(written by G.Glushchenko)
1. What is the official name of the country?
(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
2. How many parts does Great Britain consists of ?
(three parts)
3. What are they?
(England, Wales, Scotland, Belfast)
4. How many people live in the UK?
(56 mln. people)
5. What is the official language of the country?
6. What river is London situated?
(on the river Thames)
7. What is the center of London?
(Trafalgar Square)
8. Where can we see the Nelson's Colomn?
(on Trafalgar Square)
9. Which Palace is the official residence of the Queen?
(Buckingham Palace)
10. What is the name o National Flag of Great Britain?
(Union Jack)
11. How many main parts does London consist of?
(four parts)
12. What are they?
(The City, the West End, the East End, Westminster)
13. What is the City in London?
(Commercial centre of the country)
14. Where do the rich people live in London?
(the West End)
15. What can we see in the East End?
(plans and factories)
16. What is the most famous The Clock Tower in London?
(Big Ben)
17. How often do the people in London hear the sound of the bell?
(every hour)
18. What can tourist see in the Madam Tussaud's Museum?
(wah models of famous people)
19. Where can we see the best paintings in London?
(The National Callery)
20. How do Englishmen call the observation wheel?
(London Eye)
21. How many capsules does it have?
(32 capsules)
22. How many people can each capsule hold?
(25 people)
23. What is double decker?
(a two-storied bus)
24. What is the most famous tennis court in London?
25. Who is the author of ''Romeo and Juliet"?
26. When and where was W. Shakespeare born?
(1564, Stratfotd-on-Avon)
27. What was his father?
(a glove-maker)
28. What was the name of Shakespeare's Theatre?
29. Now many museums are there in London?
30. How many theatres are there in London?
(more then 80 theatres).
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